Growing Through March Madness
It’s that time of year again, the time of our mid-point check-in, for those of you who use Passion Planners, you’ll know just what I’m talking about. Anyone who doesn’t, let me explain, the Passion Planner allows for mapping your passion road map while also giving you an opportunity to check in every so often.
This is a great way to see how your goals have changed, what you have accomplished and what you no longer wish to. It also gives you a great opportunity to check in on all the last three months has brought and prepared us for the March Madness ahead.
My accomplishments have ranged from spending more time with family to being more present and not letting other people stress me out ( get me worked up), still working towards this more and of course you can’t control, other people.
Other things I have accomplished are home-related, work-related projects, and practising gratitude daily. But some goals have changed and no longer feel they resonate with me. Slowly all those goals I was striving for, the longer they are withheld due to unfilled promises, the less I care about them, or maybe it’s more the less I hold any value to them.
Although, when losing goals there are always things that replace them. As of late my goals really resonate with spending time at home, resting and time one on one with my kids. If I am really being honest I am really striving to spend a long time away with them by the ocean.
With Passion Planners systems you can choose a variety of ways to help you organize, goal set, plan and succeed. Love the Pomodoro method and have been using and sharing it with my colleagues for some time. Check out this blog post explaining what it is and how to use it :
But don’t get down if you’re not a planner, you can start small, and fill space using different ideas and methods that align with what speaks to you the most. Can’t think of any? Don’t worry about that either because Passion Planner has your back with 72 UNIQUE PASSION PLANNER IDEAS
My main two planners are my Daily and my Weekly. I use both in combination daily and there is some overlap; however, my Daily is used for reflection, journaling, gratitude and short-term personal planning, whereas my Weekly is used for Business, notes, budgeting and long term planning.
Some days there is no motivation to keep these up, but like working out and moving my body, or sticking to a healthy clean diet, just because I miss a day or even a few days, doesn’t mean I give it all up and concede. When life throws us lemons, rather than throwing in the towel, we must accept them and move on by picking things right back up and forgetting that void where we didn’t live up to our own expectations.
It is always easy to give way to negative thinking or anxiety when it comes to setting goals. We are not perfect and cant be all the time. Life is filled with consistent bumps and obstacles but learning to move forward from these and not let them overwhelm you is key.
For more on how to curb negative thinking join us here:
Now in the spirit of spring, it’s time to clean, but before getting into cleaning the house let’s declutter our minds, get refocused on the up and coming months and use this free download to help us in our fresh new start!
For more on Passion Planners please use my link HERE and be sure to enter DANIELLE083 at Checkout for 10% off

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