Breastfeeding : What you need to know on how to survive the best & worst of it.
When I saw this post I couldn’t help but relate to every single thing, with the exception, of course, of milk supply. I had to contact Chloe Bridge and thank her for making me feel better and having such an awesome page!
21 Things Only Breastfeeding Mums Know
If you are a new mom, I’m sure you can relate to most of these. If you’re not yet, don’t worry! It’s not as bad as it seems…well at least you forget it was anyways! My breastfeeding experience was rough. My doctor didn’t think I would continue; however, I was determined to work through it as much as I could. In case you’re wondering, yes, I have a high pain tolerance, which helped as well.
As lucky as I am to have such amazing family and friends, it was my sister and mom who really helped get me where I needed to be. I was like an abused person, flinching & bawling at every latch. Mom was there every time talking me through it and Laura provided enough cookies, courtesy of Just 1 More, so I had milk supply finally! Oh and the miracle cream, which you can get under a prescription, which is Mupirocn2% + Betadermo.1% + 2%Mico Compound.
The cream helped me breastfeed while healing one left split nipple and the right which literally had a hole – I will leave it at that without getting into gory details. Essentially, if you have any issues breastfeeding I suggest your first course of action be to go to a breastfeeding clinic and see your healthcare provider immediately.
In addition to the above, I used Medela Healing Pads along with Polysporin (again don’t use until you have seen a professional and it is recommended to you). These helped me get through what seemed to be an indescribable period where it felt like all woman who have ever breastfed their babies had to be psychotic!
No joke, there were visions in my head of sadistic babies running everywhere giving me nightmares! I kept wondering who in the hell ever went through such pain and thought “let me wait it out to see if it gets better” …seriously if it was up to me there would be no such thing as breastfeeding!
Good thing it wasn’t, because it is so overwhelmingly good for you and most importantly your baby. So whoever it was, thank you, because it does get better and keep that in mind if you’re like me and having a hard time.
The benefits of breastfeeding are endless, so if you can work through it try your best! And if not, that doesn’t mean anything either – except maybe you’re sane 😉 Kidding BF mommas – don’t stake me for that one, I’m on your side!
As you know, with my infertility, the last one in her post hit me too. Regardless of how you feed your child, you are beyond privileged to be a parent and with that said, remember it always. It may not be everything glorious and perfect as you imagined it was going to be but it is what it is and you are one of the luckiest people in the world to have these problems!
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Paula Schuck
Great post! I never had any idea you struggled because you don’t complain and you are tough. True: we are all privileged to be parents.
The X Nest
You are so sweet Paula – Thanks so much I love comments on my posts they are really appreciated xo