A simple slice of birthday joy!
This year was Sean’s 40th, we celebrated with family and friends this past Canada Day. Since his birthday, obviously was not actually on Canada Day, I decided to make him another cake to celebrate on the actual day.
Along with dinner, which though was pre-made, I wanted to show how anyone could make quickly a boxed cake for any occasion that won’t look all too shabby!
So the first parts are simple:
•Follow cake box instructions
•Break out the cake plate and utensils, yep you don’t need anything too fancy for this project, just a butter knife will do!
And drumroll for the trick of the trade – don’t be icing stingy – yep that simple!
Here you can see I have not held back on the icing. The reason for this is by doing so, you will inevitably always end up lifting cake, which will then leave you with a horrible looking finish. If your wondering I used 1 and one half jars of icing.
Just smooth out your icing very gently (anything too enthusiastic will certainly end in tears if your as hormonal as I am!)
As you can see you end up with a pretty solid surface you can play with, should you chose to use your “free” nap time to do so;)
I lightly used the same butter knife to swirl the top.
Then lift the sides, though if I had to do it over I would have swirled the sides as well, maybe next time.
Of course top with your loving and adoring note to that someone special or leave as is! After topping I thought it may have looked better with only some silver beads around the edge and possibly a golf figurine, which I have used in the past, so decided to try my hand at something different…. just didn’t like it as much!
And vola! Dinner on the fly and a cake for the birthday man made with baby in tow and decorated during a very small window of nap time! If you ask me not too shabby for a first time mom with a 1 month old!
These guys thought it was awesome too! Sean was so thrilled that I tried and made his actual birthday special for him to enjoy with his new son and beautiful wife of course! lol Its the little things that matter most in life, as long as you try and put your heart into it I believe it will always turn out perfectly sweet! xo
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One Comment
paula schuck
Oh dear that totally looks delicious. I do not need an y cake right now though. Kind of need to get back to my exercise routine. All goes right out the window in the summer. So bad. Happy Birthday Sean!! 40 is the new 30 or something liken that!